Phùng Văn Đồng, Prof. PhD.
Basic infomations
- Affiliation: Phenikaa University
- Position: Group Leader
- Work address: To Huu, Yen Nghia, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Department/Group at PIAS: High Energy Physics and Cosmology
- Email:
- Cell phone: +84-979347143
- Tel:
- Fax:
- My Website
- Years: 2003
- Academic institutions: Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Major/ Specialty: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Bachelor
- Years: 2005
- Academic institutions: Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Major/ Specialty: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Master
- Years: 2007 (defended)
- Academic institutions: Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- Major/ Specialty: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: PhD
Research works
- Main research orientation: Particle Physics and Cosmology
Orientation for research students:
Neutrino mass; Baryon asymmetry; Dark matter; Dark energy; Inflation; Anomalies in particle colliders, interactions, decays, oscillations, and properties; Hierarchies; Flavor physics and/or symmetry; Charge quantization; Strong CP; Left-right models; 3-3-1-1 models; 3-3-1 models; Grand unification; Supersymmetry; Extradimension; Peccei-Quinn symmetry; Lepton and baryon numbers; R-parity; (Baryo-)Lepto-genesis; Big-bang cosmology and evolution. -
List all the research grants/projects received:
6 Higgs physics in unified models NAFOSTED 2009-2011 Key project member 5 Flavor symmetry and neutrino physics NAFOSTED 2011-2013 Principal Investigator 4 Dark matter in extended 3-3-1 models NAFOSTED 2014-2016 Principal Investigator 3 New physics in the left-right asymmetric models NAFOSTED 2017-2019 Principal Investigator 2 New physical effect in 3-3-1 models National Council for Natural Sciences 2006-2008 key project member 1 New physical effect in supersymmetric 3-3-1 models National Council for Natural Sciences 2003-2005 Key project member -
5 Article(s) in ISI-covered journals 5.6 42 research articles (34 Q1); see my website for details Phung Van Dong with various coauthors Physical Review D (21 articles); Journal of High Energy Physics (3 articles); Physics Letters B (2 articles); European Physical Journal C (6 articles); Nuclear Physics B (2 articles); etc 2005-2018 5.5 Kinetic mixing effect in noncommutative B-L gauge theory Duong Van Loi, Phung Van Dong*, and Le Xuan Thuy JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 09, 054 1029-8479 2019 *Corresponding author 5.4 Dark matter and flavor changing in the flipped 3-3-1 model D. T. Huong, D. N. Dinh, L. D. Thien, and Phung Van Dong* JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 08, 051 1029-8479 2019 *Corresponding author 5.3 Flavor changing in the flipped trinification D. N. Dinh, D. T. Huong, N. T. Duy, N. T. Nhuan, L. D. Thien, and Phung Van Dong* PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99, 055005 1550-7998 2019 *Corresponding author 5.2 Asymmetric dark matter, inflation, and leptogenesis from B-L symmetry breaking Phung Van Dong, D. T. Huong, D. A. Camargo, F. S. Queiroz, and J. W. F. Valle PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99, 055040 1550-7998 2019 5.1 Phenomenology of the simple 3-3-1 model with inert scalars Phung Van Dong, N. T. K. Ngan, T. D. Tham, L. D. Thien, and N. T. Thuy PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99, 095031 1550-7998 2019 4 Article(s) in other international journals 3 National/International Conference(s) 2 Article(s) in national scientific journals 1 Others (monographs, patents, scientific awards, ...) 1.4 Nishina Fellowship, Nishina Memorial Foundation, Japan Phung Van Dong 2007-2008 1.3 2 monographs and 1 lecture notes Phung Van Dong Natural Science and Technology Publishing House; Science and Technics Publishing House; Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology 2008; 2017; 2013 1.2 Vietnam Theoretical Physics Society prize Phung Van Dong 2010 1.1 Ta Quang Buu Prize Phung Van Dong 2016 -
Training works
Teaching subjects:
Group Theory; Electrodynamics; Quantum Field Theory; Standard Model; General Relativity and Standard Cosmology; Physics beyond the Standard Model; Grand/Partial Unification; Extradimension; Supersymmetry; etc. -
Former students:
1 10 PhD students (6 defended) PhD Institute of Physics; Graduate University of Science and Technology -
Current students:
1 25 master students MSc Institute of Physics; Hanoi National University of Education; Cantho University; etc.