
Lecture: Geometry and Topology in Physics

We invite all interested people to attend the lecture given by the theoretical physicist Ai-Viet Nguyen (Information Technology Institute, Vietnam National University)

Time: 9:30, Monday, 13/01/2020.

Address: Room 601, A1 Building, Phenikaa University
Yên Nghĩa, Hà Đông, Hà Nội

Title: Geometry and Topology in Physics

Abstract: The motivations of applying geometric and topological ideas in different fields of physics, ranging from condensed matter, particle to nuclear physics.


1. Nguyen Ai Viet and Pham Thuc Tuyen, A non-linearly realized Skyrme model, JPG (1989)
2. V.John, Nguyen Ai Viet and K.C Wali, Chern-Simons bilayer quantum Hall system and noncommutative geometry PLB (1996)
3. Nguyen Ai Viet, Deformed gauge structure and higher cocycles, PLB (1987)
4. G.Landi, Nguyen Ai Viet and KC Wali, Electromagnetism and gravity in noncommutative geometry PLB (1995)
5. Nguyen Ai Viet et al, Einstein-Yang-Mills-Dirac system from discretized Kaluza-Klein theory, PRD (2017)