Nghiêm Thị Minh Hòa, PhD.
Basic infomations
- Affiliation: Thanh Tay Institute for Advanced Study (TIAS)
- Position: Vice director
- Work address: 167 Hoang Ngan, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi
- Department/Group at PIAS: Strongly correlated systems
- Email:
- Cell phone: Private
- Tel:
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- My Website
- Years: 2006
- Academic institutions: College of Science, Vietnam National University - Hanoi
- Major/ Specialty: Physics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Bachelor
- Years: 2009
- Academic institutions: Osaka University - Japan
- Major/ Specialty: Applied Physics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Master
- Years: 2012
- Academic institutions: Osaka University - Japan
- Major/ Specialty: Applied Physics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Ph.D
Research works
- Main research orientation: strongly correlated systems in and out of equilibrium
Orientation for research students:
List all the research grants/projects received:
1 Quantum impurity systems in the perspectives of multi channels, multi impurities, and time evolution Nafosted 2 years (2018-2020) Leader -
5 Article(s) in ISI-covered journals 5.8 Kondo Effect in the Systems of Magnetic Trimers on a Metal Surface Nghiem T. M. Hoa, W. A. Dino, and H. Kasai Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1347-4073 2010 Lettes 5.7 Effect of RKKY interaction on the system of two magnetic atoms on a metal surface at finite temperatures Nghiem T. M. Hoa, E. Minamitani, W. A. Dino, B. T. Cong, and H. Kasai Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1347-4073 2010 5.6 Critical Crossover Between Yosida-Kondo Dominant Regime and Magnetic Frustration Dominant Regime in the System of a Magnetic Trimer on a Metal Surface Nghiem T. M. Hoa, W. A. Dino, and H. Kasai Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1347-4073 2012 Letters 5.5 Generalization of the time-dependent numerical renormalization group method to finite temperatures and general pulses H. T. M. Nghiem and T. A. Costi Physical Review B 2469-9969 2014 Editors' Suggestion, highlighted by the editors 5.4 Time-dependent numerical renormalization group method for multiple quenches: Application to general pulses and periodic driving H. T. M. Nghiem and T. A. Costi Physical Review B 2469-9969 2014 5.3 Ohmic two-state system from the perspective of the interacting resonant level model: Thermodynamics and transient dynamics H. T. M. Nghiem, D. M. Kennes, C. Kloeckner, V. Meden, and T. A. Costi Physical Review B 2469-9969 2016 Editors' Suggestion, highlighted by the editors 5.2 Time Evolution of the Kondo Resonance in Response to a Quench H. T. M. Nghiem and T. A. Costi Physical Review Letters 1079-7114 2017 5.1 Time-dependent numerical renormalization group method for multiple quenches: Towards exact results for the long-time limit of thermodynamic observables and spectral functions H. T. M. Nghiem and T. A. Costi Physical Review B 2469-9969 2018 4 Article(s) in other international journals 3 National/International Conference(s) 2 Article(s) in national scientific journals 1 Others (monographs, patents, scientific awards, ...) -
5 Article(s) in ISI-covered journals 5.1 Time-dependent numerical renormalization group method for multiple quenches: Towards exact results for the long-time limit of thermodynamic observables and spectral functions H. T. M. Nghiem and T. A. Costi Physical Review B 2469-9969 2018 4 Article(s) in other international journals 3 National/International Conference(s) 2 Article(s) in national scientific journals 1 Others (monographs, patents, scientific awards, ...)
Training works
Teaching subjects:
Former students:
Current students: