Phạm Việt Thành, PhD.
Basic infomations
- Affiliation: ThanhTay Institute for Advanced Study
- Position: Director of Research
- Work address: 167 Hoàng Ngân, Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
- Department/Group at PIAS: Research Group of Circuits and Systems
- Email:
- Cell phone:
- Tel:
- Fax:
- My Website
- Years: 2000-2005
- Academic institutions: Hanoi University of Technology
- Major/ Specialty: Electronics
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Engineer
- Years: 2005-2007
- Academic institutions: Hanoi University of Technology
- Major/ Specialty: Electronic Technique
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: Master
- Years: 2010-2012
- Academic institutions: Catania University
- Major/ Specialty: Electronics, Automation and Control of Complex Systems Engineering
- Project/Thesis:
- Academic degree: PhD
Research works
- Main research orientation: Nonlinear circuits, fractional calculus and their practical applications
Orientation for research students:
List all the research grants/projects received:
5 Article(s) in ISI-covered journals 5.3 Analysis, adaptive control and circuit simulation of a novel nonlinear finance system O. I. Tacha, C. K. Volos, I. M. Kyprianidis, I. N. Stouboulos, S. Vaidyanathan, V.-T. Pham Applied Mathematics and Computation, 276, pp. 200-217 0096-3003 2016 5.2 Using chaotic artificial neural networks to model memory in the brain Z. Aram, S. Jafari, J. Ma, J. C. Sprott, S. Zendehrouh, V.-T. Pham Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 44, pp. 449-459 1007-5704 2017 5.1 Modelling of long-wave chaotic radar system for anti-stealth applications G. A. Al-Suhail, F. R. Tahir, M. H. Abd, V.-T. Pham, L. Fortuna Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 57, pp. 80-96 1007-5704 2018 4 Article(s) in other international journals 3 National/International Conference(s) 2 Article(s) in national scientific journals 1 Others (monographs, patents, scientific awards, ...) -
Training works
Teaching subjects:
Former students:
Current students: