
International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approaches in Hanoi, 3-5 August, 2020

  INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HOLOGRAPHY, STRING THEORY and DISCRETE APPROACH in HANOI, VIETNAM     DATE and VENUE ◦ 3-6 August, 2020 (6th is for a free day for walking or discussion) Probability date is changed to 5-7 cannot be excluded, not buy the airplane ticket until I announce in June. ◦ Phenikaa University, Hanoi,… Read More

Seminar: Band structure engineering in 2D materials and their heterostructures

We invite all interested people to attend the seminar at PIAS, Phenikaa University, given by: Speaker: Prof. Philippe Dollfus, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, France Time: 14:30, ngày 19/07/2019. Address: Room 101, Building B, Phenikaa University Yên Nghĩa, Hà Đông, Hà Nội Title: Band structure engineering in 2D materials and their heterostructures – Application to… Read More

News on the appointment ceremony for two scientists

On June 04, 2019, two scientists of PIAS were appointed by the president of Phenikaa University to the new positions in the university, Dr. Dang The Hung as the Deputy Director of the Department of Materials science and engineering; Dr. Le Hoang Anh as the Director of the Center of Informatics Technology. Best wishes the… Read More